Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Groovy and Grails setup on Ubuntu

I was looking for a web framework, that easily integrates with most of the opensource platforms, and also provide very strict MVC model for web application development, and came across few options. Options that I evaluated are Rub and Rails ( php), Groovy on Grails ( Java), Django ( Python). And opted to go with Groovy on Grails for its simplicity and support to pring framework.

Here are the steps on how to set it up on Ubuntu :

Install JDK
# sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jdk

Download Groovy and Grails

# wget
# wget

Install Groovy and Grails
# sudo dpkg -i groovy-1.6-beta-1.deb
# sudo dpkg -i grails_1.0.3-1_all.deb

Configure Path
#sudo gedit /etc/environment

Make following changes in environment file
#This needs to be the directory where "dpkg" installed your grails
#This needs to be the directory where "dpkg" installed your groovy

SAVE file and "LOGOUT" and "LOGIN" to Ubuntu. This is very important to reload the environment variables.


This should return following data :

Welcome to Grails 1.0.3 -
Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
Grails home is set to: /usr/share/grails

No script name specified. Use 'grails help' for more info or 'grails interactive' to enter interactive mode

NOTE: If in the above message, the version number of Grails is not shown, then there is something wrong with the installation. I experienced this problem with version 1.0.4 beta, where the version was showing as "null", and hence I was not able to install plugins at a later time. With Groovy 1.6 beta and Grails 1.0.3 it all worked fine. Follow this link to learn more about this issue :

Building a sample login app with Grails :

# grails create-app samplelogin
# cd samplelogin
# grails install-plugin acegi
# grails create-auth-domains User Role Requestmap
# grails generate-manager
# grails generate-registration
# grails create-controller Secure
# grails run-app

That's it. Now you can connect to your Grails app by going to

The default UI source files are located at this directory structure:

Note : Files in Grails will have an extension as .gsp


1. Where can I find some sample apps on Grails ?

2. How to I change default port settings for grails application ?
You can change the port number at command line
# grails -Dserver.port=9090 run-app
Or you can also configure the port in this config file :

3. Where can I find command line reference for Grails commands ?

Reference links:

Grails and Groovy Installation steps
Grails main Home.
Groovy Main Home.
Grails Tutorials.


mariuss said...

Just a side note, the Grails deb package from also installs command line completion for the grails command.

Luis Arias said...

Actually groovy is available from multiverse, although in 1.5.6 or 1.5.7 for jaunty.